What Are Wisdom Teeth?

These teeth, also known as third molars, erupt between the ages of 17 and 21, on average. Because most of our mouths are too small to fit in four extra teeth, wisdom teeth are frequently removed.

So, why do we have them if most mouths don’t have enough room for them? Even if we don’t use them today, most scientists believe they were necessary for our forefathers. When the human diet consisted primarily of raw meat, leaves, roots, and nuts, they were extremely useful.

Nowadays, most of us cook our food rather than eat it raw, and we cut, crush, and smash our food with cutlery rather than our teeth. As a result, wisdom teeth are no longer required.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

Although seemingly harmless, wisdom teeth can cause discomfort or pain in the mouth. There are numerous signs that you should see a dentist remove your wisdom tooth.

Keep an eye out for your wisdom teeth to appear, and when they do, you’ll know it’s time to have them removed.

1. Gum Irritation

Gum irritation is widespread. Many people develop periodontitis, and the symptom of red, swollen gums is a warning sign that you should visit your dentist for teeth cleaning.

It’s important to know when the irritation isn’t caused by gum disease. It could be that your wisdom tooth is coming in, irritating in the back of your mouth that is worse than a case of gum disease.

The irritation will lessen after the wisdom teeth are removed; in fact, this is the only solution if the teeth breaking through your gums are irritating.

Many people dismiss irritability as a minor inconvenience because wisdom tooth removal may appear frightening, but the surgery is nothing compared to the painful gums.

2. Extreme Ache around the Area

The signs can sometimes be more than just irritation. Your wisdom teeth may make their presence known by causing excruciating pain.

When pain begins at the back of your mouth but does not always stay there, it is a sign that the pain is caused by erupting or impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth can cause pain by pressing on your sinuses, disrupting your jaw, and even causing chronic headaches.

It’s tempting to take some pain relievers and hope the pain goes away, but this is not a good idea. The pain may come and go-to wisdom teeth, but it will always return in some form.

The effective way to eliminate the pain is to get rid of the source.

3. Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by various things, including a stomach ulcer, but did you know that your wisdom teeth can also cause it?

When a wisdom tooth erupts too far through the gum, pockets form in the back of the mouth. These pockets are usually hard to clean with a regular toothbrush.

When this happens, bacteria can quickly build up in the back of your mouth, causing you to taste something wrong or have bad breath.

A dentist can clean these pockets, but no matter how well you brush or floss, bacteria will quickly build up again.

The bacteria-infested pocket is removed by removing the impacted wisdom tooth, and your entire mouth is once again accessible to your toothbrush.

4. Difficulty in Eating

Your jaw can become stiff because your wisdom teeth are coming in, making it difficult to eat or chew food.

Having them removed will be highly beneficial to you. Although you’ll need to research what foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal to aid the healing process, you’ll soon be able to resume your everyday eating habits.

5. If The Dentist Recommends Extraction

It’s critical to follow your dentist’s advice, even if your symptoms are minor or you haven’t noticed them at all. They may see the first signs of wisdom teeth erupting or detect looming problems that you aren’t aware of.

It’s tempting to put off surgery or try to avoid it entirely because the word “surgery” is frightening, but having it done can be preventative and save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

It’s time to listen if a professional says you should consider having your wisdom teeth removed, whether you’ve felt them coming through and visited your dentist about it or it was brought up during another check-up.

People often worry about the cost of wisdom teeth removal, but if that’s your concern, your dentist can go over all of your financial options with you.

Get Yourself An Experienced Dentist

Fortunately, highly-experienced dentists at Klinik Pergigian Parmjit in Sentul are available to attend to you. Please book an appointment with us to get more on your dental health.

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