

From RM 80
There are two type of extraction process. A simple extraction and a surgical extraction.
The process of a simple extraction starts with a patient receiving a local anaesthetic, which helps numbs the area around your tooth. With the anaesthetic you’ll feel only pressure and no pain during the extraction procedure. An instrument called an elevator is then used by the dentist to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.

There are two type of extraction process. A simple extraction and a surgical extraction.
The process of a simple extraction starts with a patient receiving a local anaesthetic, which helps numbs the area around your tooth. With the anaesthetic you’ll feel only pressure and no pain during the extraction procedure. An instrument called an elevator is then used by the dentist to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.

There are two type of extraction process. A simple extraction and a surgical extraction.
The process of a simple extraction starts with a patient receiving a local anaesthetic, which helps numbs the area around your tooth. With the anaesthetic you’ll feel only pressure and no pain during the extraction procedure. An instrument called an elevator is then used by the dentist to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.
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